Hello and welcome to my website. I’ve been painting and drawing for as long as I can remember and became very focused on digital art in 2016. In my professional life I am an engineer and hope one day to be able to do art and training full time.  My fascination with art really started when I was growing up in the 80s and 90s with ZX Spectrum game magazines and covers as well as vinyl album covers.  One of my big inspirations was an artist called Oliver Frey who was the main artist for the CRASH and ZZap64 computer magazines.


I have spent many years looking for the digital art program that could produce a traditional type look (watercolours, oils, airbrush) and I found that with the Rebelle software.  Rebelle is now my main software program of choice.  My previous work was using Photoshop, Clip Studio Paint and Sketchbook Pro as well as the occasional use of Krita.


My passion is still very much in the world of portrait art mixed with some of the more movie poster look to my drawings/paintings.  I have a real passion for teaching art and especially helping people with the more technical aspects of the digital realm.  Art however is the foundation and it brings me to a place of calm.


I try to release a video on YouTube on a weekly basis but wanted to give people a place to go to for longer form content that is very raw. Therefore on this website in the near future will be some training courses I have planned on doing for some time as well as digital products.  All of these will help support my Youtube channel to keep going and perhaps one day allow me to go full time and help more people on their digital art journeys.


Hi Wee Bob here and this website is here to help you on your digital art journey.

My name as you may have guessed is Wee Bob and I have a You Tube channel Wee Bob Art where you can find lots of tutorials on digital art with a recent focus on the Rebelle Digital Painting software.  This website will feature exclusive content as well as other digital and physical products.


Whether you’re curious about features, a free trial, or even press, we’re here to answer any questions.